Program overview

Our communities are the backbone of the places we work and live. We aim to create positive and lasting relationships with our local communities. It’s part of our commitment to building a sustainable future.

Transgrid’s Community Partnerships Program offers grants of up to $5,000 for not-for-profit organisations that are local to our planning, operations, and major project areas. Applications are typically open in March and October each year.

Not-for-profit groups provide a range of invaluable resources for their communities. Our Community Partnerships Program was created to give a boost to the people who live and work in the regions local to Transgrid assets or construction.

More than 275 organisations have shared in over $1 million in Transgrid grants for a range of initiatives spanning from community infrastructure, to workshops, along with inclusivity and accessibility projects.

Current program status: Closed

Next round open date: First quarter 2025

Grant amount: Grants of up to $5,000 are available

Community Partnerships Program for Far West NSW

On 30 Oct, Transgrid announced $500,000 in new grants for community organisations and not-for-profit groups in impacted areas of Far West NSW, in addition to its $1.5 million contribution to the NSW Government’s community support package for residents and businesses.

Information on the Community Partnerships Program for Far West NSW can be found by visiting: Broken Hill & Far West NSW Community Partnerships Program | Transgrid

Our Community Partnerships Program is designed to benefit areas where our assets are located or under development. Transgrid is proud to invest in a variety of initiatives, focusing on those that provide education opportunities, environmental sustainability, safety and wellbeing, along with initiatives that energise communities.

Learn more

Need more information?

We welcome every opportunity to learn more about the organisations creating change in their local communities.

We invite you to contact us to tell us about your initiative. If you know your local Transgrid engagement team, feel free to contact them directly. You can also email the team at to answer any questions you may have.

Follow us on social media for the latest Community Partnerships Program updates and stories from our grant recipients.

Program beneficiaries

Transgrid has provided grants to 70 not-for-profit community organisations in Round 2, 2024 of our Community Partnerships Program.

We love sharing our communities’ stories. Watch the videos to see how our Community Partnerships Program has benefited locals in the past.

Visit our Community Partnerships Program playlist for more videos featuring our grant recipients.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who is eligible to apply for the Transgrid Community Partnerships Program?

The Community Partnerships Program is open to not-for-profit organisations delivering benefits to local communities where Transgrid has a presence. This includes community groups and service providers, registered charities, and other not-for-profit organisations.

Eligible organisations must be able to answer ‘yes’ to the questions below:

  1. Are you a not-for-profit organisation? 
  2. Will your initiative provide a lasting and tangible benefit to the community in which you operate? 
  3. Is your organisation located, or does your organisation deliver services, within the specified project region or close to an existing Transgrid easement?   
  4. Do you hold an ABN for the applicable organisation? Or will your grant be supported by an incorporated not-for-profit organisation?
  5. Is your postcode listed as eligible in the postcode checker?

2. How much money can my organisation apply for?

Grants of up to $5,000 (excluding GST) are available through the Transgrid Community Partnerships Program.

If your initiative costs more than that, you are still able to apply – you will simply need to demonstrate in your application how you plan to raise the remainder of the funds needed to ensure you can successfully deliver your initiative.

3. What is SmartyGrants?

Transgrid is utilising SmartyGrants, the most-used grant making system in Australia, to help facilitate all applications. SmartyGrants provides an online platform where applicants can apply and upload all necessary documents, plus follow the progress of their application. It is run by a not-for-profit organisation in Australia where all information is stored safely within a secure network. Having this online platform will help streamline the application and assessment process, making it a much easier experience for all involved. The SmartyGrants platform is used by multiple Federal and State government departments, plus major organisations to manage their community grants. You can find out more about SmartyGrants by visiting their website

4. Can my organisation apply for a smaller amount?

Organisations are encouraged to apply for any amount between $500 and $5,000 through the program.

5. If I’m successful, will I receive the full amount that I’ve requested?

Transgrid reserves the right to partially fund your initiative and specify where funds must be directed. If the program is heavily subscribed, we may choose to offer successful applicants less than the full amount requested to support a broad set of community initiatives.

6. Do I need to provide quotes to support my application?

We require some forms of evidence of costs (at least two quotes or other proof of the cost of works) as part of each grant application.

7. My application includes operational costs such as printing. Can a Transgrid grant cover these costs?

No. Operational expenses are not considered eligible for Community Partnerships Program funding. If you believe operational costs form an important part of your initiative, include these costs as part of your application with an explanation of why they should be considered.

Transgrid reserves the right to partially fund your initiative and specify where funds must be directed.

8. My organisation has more than one initiative that needs funding – can we lodge more than one application in a round?

Yes. Eligible organisations can apply for Community Partnerships Program funding for multiple eligible initiatives within the same grant round. Each initiative must be addressed in its own application, and each application will be assessed individually.

9. Can an initiative receive funding more than once?

No. If an application is successful and receives Community Partnerships Program funding, it will not be eligible for funding in future grant rounds.

10. Our office is located within an eligible Transgrid project area, but the communities we service are not. Are we still eligible to apply?

No. As part of the Community Partnerships Program eligibility criteria, initiatives that receive funding must directly benefit communities located near a Transgrid project or existing easement.

11. I have just completed a Community Partnerships Program application – do I need to do anything else at this stage?

You must be contactable and available during the period after the closing date. As part of the screening process for all applications, a Transgrid representative may contact your organisation by phone or email.

To ensure your application can progress smoothly, please ensure all contact details supplied to Transgrid are correct.

If Transgrid is not able to contact your organisation for more information or answers to questions, your application may not progress through the screening process.

12. When should I expect to hear from Transgrid about whether my application has been approved?

All applicants will be notified via email of the outcome of their application at the conclusion of the assessment period.

Sometimes applications can take longer to process. If you have critical dates for securing funding, please tell us this in your application and we will do our best to assist you, but we cannot provide any assurances or guarantees.

13. If my application is approved, when will my organisation receive its funding?

After receiving notification that their grant application was successful, applicants should receive grant funds within 30 business days of funding acceptance and providing an invoice or payment details (any missing information will delay payment).

14. Does Community Partnerships Program funding have to be spent in a specific timeframe?

Expenditure of funds received through the Transgrid Community Partnerships Program must be completed within six (6) months of the date of the grant, unless otherwise agreed in writing with Transgrid.

If grant funding is not expected to be spent in full within the timeframe specified by Transgrid, you may request an extension to the timeframe in writing. If an extension to the timeframe is not granted, you must spend the funds within this time, or you will be asked to refund any amount not used.

15. How does Transgrid handle my personal information? 

Transgrid is using a third-party supplier (SmartyGrants) to process grants and sponsorship applications. Please ensure you take the time to read the Privacy Policy available on the SmartyGrants page to understand how your personal information will be managed.