About the EIS

As a Critical State Significant Infrastructure (CSSI) project, HumeLink is following a comprehensive Commonwealth and State environmental assessment process. This acknowledges that CSSI projects are large and complex, and can have major economic, environmental, and social impacts. 

As part of the planning approval process, HumeLink was required to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). An EIS identifies and assesses the potential environmental, economic and social impacts of the project to help government agencies, relevant authorities, community and stakeholders to make an informed decision or provide an informed submission on the merits of the project.  

The EIS is assessed by the NSW Government and Commonwealth Government before a determination on the project is made.

Public exhibition

On 30 August 2023, the HumeLink EIS was lodged with the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI) – formerly known as the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) – and placed on public exhibition until Tuesday 10 October 2023. 

The public exhibition enabled the community to read the EIS document, seek clarification and provide DPHI with direct feedback via a formal submission. 

The main body of the EIS and the associated specialist studies were available online through the NSW Major Project Planning Portal. Printed copies of the main body of the EIS were also available during the exhibition period at select community libraries across the project footprint and available to be posted to landowners upon request. 

An interactive digital EIS also presented key information to support better understanding of the project’s EIS. 

The HumeLink project team held 22 community information sessions across the project footprint and three webinars during the exhibition period. We also visited landowners with our Remote Access Community Hub (RACH), held additional sessions for Community Consultative Group members, and promoted our activities extensively across local media, in our newsletters and updates. 

More than 150 submissions were received during the public exhibition and will be used to guide the project’s final determination and any conditions of approval. All submissions received are available on DPHI's website and have been shared with Transgrid. 

The charts below show the issues and sub-issues raised in the submission.

Fact sheets and videos

A series of detailed technical studies and reports were completed as part of the EIS. The EIS fact sheets and videos on this page provide a summary of key technical studies, the methodology we used to identify and assess potential project impacts, our findings and how we manage or minimise them. Please note these fact sheets and videos were published for the Environmental Impact Statement public exhibition and the information may have been updated since. 

Click on the relevant fact sheet or video to find out more. 

Fact sheets


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1. Introduction to the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)

2. Biodiversity Impact Assessment

3. Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment

4. Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment

5. Traffic and Transport Impact Assessment

6. Landscape Character and Visual Impact Assessment (LCVIA)