As the Coordinating Transmission Network Service Provider for NSW and the ACT, Transgrid is responsible for calculating transmission prices for all NSW and ACT transmission businesses.
AER approved pricing methodology
Our pricing methodology details the calculation process of transmission prices and charges, and has been approved by the Australian Energy Regulator (AER).
Our direct customers include:
- four distribution businesses
- large energy businesses directly connected to the transmission network
- coal fired and hydro generators.
The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) also approves the maximum allowed revenue that Transgrid and other NSW and ACT transmission businesses may earn.
Our current pricing methodology came into effect in July 2023 and applies to the 2023/24 – 2027/28 regulatory control period. It was developed in consultation with customers, large energy users and consumer representatives. The price structure and price calculations are consistent with our previous pricing methodology.
In accordance with the National Electricity Rules, we publish prescribed transmission prices for NSW and the ACT annually on 15 March.