Airin Gomura

A day in the life of an Asset Management Intern - Airin Gomura

30 April 2024

At Transgrid, we are committed to nurturing the next generation of engineers who are passionate about making a difference in the energy sector. To give you a glimpse into the experiences of our interns, we asked Airin to share her journey, motivations, and advice for future interns.

Q: How did you find out about the internship opportunity?

A: I am a scholarship holder with the Australian Power Institute (API). Through the API, we are given an opportunity to network with the power industry, attend workshops and complete summer internships.

Q: What are you studying at the moment? Why did you choose internship instead of the Grad Program?

A: I am studying Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (Honours) at University of Wollongong. I am transitioning from a career in marketing to engineering. As I already have over a decade of corporate experience, I felt the Graduate Program would be less suitable for me compared to an internship.

Q: What are some often overlooked skills that are crucial for success as an electrical engineer?

I have worked in marketing in Sydney, San Francisco and Kansas City and now engineering back in Sydney. Across all these roles, communication skills and the ability to build and maintain relationships were vital. As engineering students, we can get caught up on technical knowledge, but I can’t emphasise enough the importance of soft skills in career success.

Q: What’s your career plan after the internship ends?

A: I will be completing my studies, then pursuing a career in renewables. I am excited about the future of Australia as a renewable energy superpower. I chose to become an electrical engineer because I am passionate about climate action, and electrical engineers play a pivotal role in the clean energy transition.

Q: Do you have any advice for people that are considering joining Transgrid as interns?

A: Be confident and don’t forget to smile in your interview!😃 Do your research and make sure you have thoughtful questions to ask your interviewers. Once you get here, make full use of the opportunity to expand your professional network.

Electrical engineering is a field that offers immense possibilities for those who are curious, innovative, and passionate about making a difference. Airin’s journey is a testament to the diverse pathways that could lead to a fulfilling career in electrical engineering. At Transgrid, we are proud to support and mentor the engineers of tomorrow, empowering them to drive the clean energy transition and build a sustainable future for all.

Watch Airin's "A Day in the Life" video to get a firsthand look at what it's like to work as an electrical engineer at Transgrid. If Airin’s story inspires you, consider applying for our Summer Internship Program. This 12-week internship program gives you the opportunity to develop your personal and professional potential and learn from our leading experts.