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Transgrid Trailblazer - Dilini Darmawardana

11 October 2024

Meet our Trailblazer, Dilini Darmawardana, a Senior Engineer leading technical assessments for grid integration. With deep expertise in power quality assessments and system planning, Dilini is shaping the future of our grid. Read on to discover her journey and valuable advice for early-career professionals.

Role title: Senior Engineer

Length of time at Transgrid: 2 years

Tell us about your role at Transgrid:

I am a Senior Engineer in the Network Connections Team that is responsible for the technical assessments related to the grid integration of large scale generators and loads. Over the years, our team has contributed significantly to the Green Energy Transition by facilitating the connection of numerous renewable generators into the NSW electricity network.

Can you tell us a bit more about your journey into the industry? What were some of the biggest challenges you faced and how did you overcome them?

I joined the Power industry as an engineering intern at a private consultancy company while completing my doctoral studies. I worked for two Power System consultancy companies before joining Transgrid where I gathered knowledge related to Power Quality Assessments, and Power System Planning and Modelling.

The biggest challenge that I have faced so far is probably time management. I am a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to technical work and sometimes get side-tracked on little details. To overcome this, I try to look at the big picture and prioritise the most important and urgent work.

Dilini Darmawardana field photo

What’s your favourite career highlight?

While working for a consultancy company, our team prepared a Power System Planning report for a major transmission line project which presented the studies that we performed for about an year. The report was well received by the connecting NSP with really positive feedback. I can still remember what an amazing feeling it was!

If you could speak to your younger self, what advice would you give her?

I would ask her to focus more on developing a deep understanding of the basic concepts, rather than studying for exams. When studying at universities and schools, our focus can easily drift towards getting good grades rather than developing a skill set that will be useful over the full span of our career and beyond. So, play the long game!

Best career advice you’ve received?

The best career advices that I have received are:

  1. During the early career stage (first 3-5 years), developing our skill set is far more important than earning a good salary.
  2. Always be mindful of how you convey messages. When chosen wisely, words can be very powerful.

Dilini Darmawardana field photo 2

What advice would you give to other women who are considering a career in the clean energy sector?

A career in clean energy sector can be challenging but it is also rewarding. There are many opportunities in the clean energy sector if you have the right skill set. Therefore, focus on developing the technical skills that are required to work in this sector.

From your perspective, what advantages does a career in the electricity industry provide?

Electricity industry in Australia is booming. Consequently, there are many opportunities in the market with attractive pay scales. Further, it is very satisfying to think that the work we do contributes not only to the economy, but also to a greener future.

What are your long-term career aspirations within the industry?

I would like to further strengthen my technical skill set, widen my knowledge over different areas of Power System studies and become a technical expert on one or two fields.

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?

I love travelling with my husband and watching movies/TV series.

Dilini Darmawardana travel photos

Watch Dilini's interview with the Australian Power Institute (API) to learn more: