Placing the voice of the community at the centre of our decision making

Our community engagement teams consult with landowners and residents across our network and along proposed project routes. Early community engagement ensures that people living or working near these proposed routes are kept informed at all stages of the planning process and have an opportunity to have their say.

Transgrid has worked with landowner and farming representatives and fellow Energy Charter signatories to develop a Landholder and Community Better Practice Engagement Guide. The guide is designed to help transmission businesses and landowners navigate the processes of working together in the planning and delivery of new assets.

We also work closely with landowners along our current network to maintain and operate existing assets and easements on their properties, so that we can provide safe and reliable transmission services to the community. For more individual queries, such as those related to property or land access, the team may consult with landowners on a one-on-one basis.

In addition to targeted and regular communications we send to landholders and communities, Transgrid is developing a strategic communication plan to build broad understanding among NSW energy consumers on the benefits of new transmission. A shared understanding of what we need as a nation to build to support renewable energy in Australia is critical.

As part of our approach to sustainable development, we partner with community organisations to fund initiatives that deliver benefits to the people who live in the areas where our assets and projects are located. 

Land Access Code of Conduct

Transgrid is committed to being a good neighbour as we operate and manage the high voltage electricity transmission network and deliver the energy transition.

Transgrid and its Delivery Partner staff require access to private and public lands to perform essential tasks developing, inspecting and maintaining the network.

Our people follow a Land Access Code of Conduct when visiting properties.

Update your contact details

Correct landowner contact details are important to use so we can let you know in advance of works we may need to undertake.

If you have an easement on your land, please fill out the form below so we can easily reach you if required.

* denotes required field.

Note: If you do not have a mobile phone number, please enter your landline number.

Select if you are the primary or secondary contact
I have read and accepted the Privacy Policy and the terms and conditions


Undergrounding fact sheet


PDF 1.10 MB

Land Access Code of Conduct


PDF 77.78 KB

Access track fact sheet


PDF 719.19 KB