Program Overview

Our corporate sponsorship program provides financial, professional and volunteer support to organisations that benefit the community and individuals.  

Promoting diversity and inclusion is a key component of this program, which helps us to drive sustainable change through communities in NSW and the ACT. We aim to:

  • support the long-term wellbeing of communities in locations which we operate
  • contribute to important issues within communities and the electricity industry
  • align with the objectives of our diversity and inclusion strategy to develop the external pipeline of female talent
  • develop an external pipeline of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander female talent in line with our Reconciliation Action Plan

Transgrid Engineering Scholarship Fund

We have partnered with Charles Sturt University to establish the $2 million Transgrid Engineering Scholarship Fund to help train the nation’s next generation of engineers and address Australia’s infrastructure skills shortage. Applications are now open and will close 24 Sep 2024. Click on the link below to apply.

Apply now

Regional Development Australia Riverina

Transgrid has partnered with Regional Development Australia to work collaboratively in developing projects offering potential employment, attraction, and skills development within the Riverina area. This is made possible through partnership across four different pillars; Riverina Knowledge Hub, Country Change, Jobs Riverina Murray and Grow our Own.

Learn more