Tower erection on the line between Buronga and Dinawan 1

EnergyConnect construction booms across the Riverina

02 August 2024

Construction of Australia’s largest transmission project is moving into overdrive with multiple work sites and hundreds of workers now building the eastern alignment of EnergyConnect which will play a critical role in the clean energy transition.

Transgrid and its construction partner Elecnor Australia are building the 700km NSW section of EnergyConnect from Wagga Wagga to the South Australian border and into Victoria.

Transgrid Executive General Manager of Major Projects Gordon Taylor said: “The Riverina is at the heart of the clean energy transition and is in the box seat for growth as construction of this nation-critical project advances.

“EnergyConnect is providing a wide range of social and economic benefits to the Riverina including jobs, skills development, education and training, local business support, and funding for not-for-profit organisations to boost community facilities and services.”

More than 1,000 workers are progressing construction of the 540km eastern leg of the project between Wagga Wagga and Buronga including:

  • Opening of a new 460-worker accommodation camp at Bundure, near Coleambally, with construction of another 250-bed camp now underway on the Cobb Highway near Hay. These facilities will complement existing worker accommodation camps at Lockhart (240 beds), Balranald (268 beds) and Buronga (411 beds).
  • Construction of a world-class substation at Bundure, with 225,000 tonnes of dirt and gravel imported to site. Crews have constructed the substation bench by shifting 1,700 tonnes of materials per day. The Dinawan substation will be home to sophisticated electrical equipment including shunt reactors, synchronous condensers, step down transformers, and capacitor banks. The 330kV substation will enable better power flows between NSW, Victoria and South Australia, and support the development of new electricity generation in nominated renewable energy zones in the region.
  • Crews have drilled and poured concrete foundations for 412 tower sites, assembled 118 towers, and erected 45 towers on the two lines between Wagga Wagga and Buronga.
  • Works are well underway to expand the existing Wagga Wagga substation with the extension of the existing bench, pouring of concrete foundations, and installation of cable trenches and the Earth grid.

Mr Taylor said EnergyConnect has so far invested more than $158 million with 197 local and First Nations businesses along the 700km project alignment.

“In the Riverina more than 80 local businesses have been engaged as subcontractors or suppliers to the project, generating an investment worth $55 million. Procuring goods and services locally helps local businesses grow, develop skills, and create jobs,” he said.

Local Riverina businesses supplying the project include:

“We are proud to be working with Riverina communities and businesses to deliver this nation-critical project which will provide cleaner and cheaper renewable energy to families and businesses, and help Australia meet its emissions reduction targets,” Mr Taylor said.

Elecnor Australia Project Director Felipe Delgado said he was proud of the construction milestones being achieved on multiple work fronts along the alignment.

“We have now completed 55% of the total project tower foundations and more than half of those have been completed on the eastern alignment since the beginning of this year,” Mr Delgado said.

“We are also moving ahead with tower assembly, erection and the preparation of stringing on this line.”

Meanwhile, works are nearing completion on EnergyConnect’s western alignment with construction of the 135km line between Buronga and the South Australian border completed. Commission testing is underway on one of the largest and most complex substations in the Southern Hemisphere at Buronga, while stringing works on the line from Buronga to Red Cliffs in Victoria is progressing.

For more information about EnergyConnect visit:

Transgrid media contact:

Jonathon Hall 0428 413 708