
HumeLink corridor refined as community consultation continues for project

22 September 2021

TransGrid has today announced a number of changes to the project corridor for HumeLink, a once in a generation investment in Australia’s energy future.

Executive Manager of Delivery Craig Stallan says the changes release some landowners from the study corridor, however they also include others in the new areas being studied. These changes support the preference for a double-circuit configuration for the entire route and reduce the project’s footprint, minimising the expected environmental impacts, however engagement with impacted landowners is ongoing.

“In coming months, we will continue to speak with landowners and communities to examine ways to reduce the overall impact on them. These changes to the HumeLink corridor have been made to deliver the best overall network reliability, capacity and value-for-money,” said Mr Stallan.

“HumeLink is a once in a generation investment in Australia’s energy future which will deliver $491 million in net benefits. The project will reinforce the backbone of the east coast’s transmission network, delivering a cheaper, more reliable and more sustainable grid,” he said.

“HumeLink will increase the amount of renewable energy that can be delivered to consumers across the National Electricity Market, helping to facilitate the transition to a low carbon future.”

Mr Stallan said there is broad support for the need for HumeLink from the Australian Energy Market Operator and from State and Federal Governments.

“The new 500kv line is one of the largest transmission projects proposed in Australia since the 1950s. It will also unlock the full capacity of the Snowy Hydro scheme reducing the need for new dispatchable generation to meet future energy demand,” he said.

HumeLink, like all other major transmission projects, is subject to a market benefits test administered by the Australian Energy Regulator (AER). TransGrid must show the AER that HumeLink will benefit consumers, to be given final regulatory approval. The changes to the project corridor include:

  • the proposed transmission line between Book Book and Gobarralong is no longer required; 
  • the proposed transmission line between Maragle and Yaven Creek is no longer required; 
  • a new shorter, connection between Yaven Creek and Gilmore will be introduced; and
  • a new corridor option through the Tumut region is being explored as an alternative to the current Blowering option, with both options under active investigation.

The HumeLink team has recently finalised the technical assessment of different network configurations (the number and type of electrical circuits between substation locations), including an analysis of bushfire and other network risks.

“These changes mean we are able to release some landowners from the study corridor, however because this requires a new shorter connection between Yaven Creek and Gilmore this will impact a new group of landowners and we will prioritise conversations with them in coming weeks. An additional new corridor option via the Tumut region is also being assessed however it has not yet been determined if it will form part of the final alignment,” said Mr Stallan.

“We will continue to talk with landowners about the corridor options and ensure they have an opportunity to have their say as the project is developed. We know landowners and communities want certainty as soon as possible,” he said.

For more information about the project, visit the HumeLink project page. 

Media enquiries:
Michelle Stone 0438 293 917