Transgrid Delivery Manager Stephanie Puttock and apprentice substation technician Hayley Putland

Transgrid empowering regional women to build our clean energy future

04 September 2024

Women in regional NSW keen to work in major infrastructure projects will be given a boost under an innovative program to increase female participation in the construction industry as part of the nation-critical HumeLink project.

Transgrid’s HumeLink East delivery partners ACCIONA and GenusPlus Group will implement the EmPOWERing Regional Women program, with a specific focus on the Yass area. The initiative has received a $180,700 grant from the NSW Government’s Women In Construction Industry Innovation Program.

Executive General Manager of Corporate & Stakeholder Affairs Maryanne Graham said: “Transgrid is taking action to increase the representation of women across the industry as we get on with the job of delivering transmission infrastructure critical to Australia’s renewable energy transition.

“The HumeLink project is creating up to 1,800 jobs, providing real opportunities for women to enter the energy and construction industries and increase female representation in traditionally male-dominated roles.

“Construction offers enormous employment and career development opportunities for women, and we welcome NSW Government Industry Innovation Program funding to drive this groundbreaking pre-employment initiative to help increase female participation in regional infrastructure projects.”

The Industry Innovation Program is one of four priority actions for the Women in Construction Program. The grants program was established to fund innovative ideas in industry to support the creation of inclusive workplace cultures, attract and retain women to the construction sector, support female employees and women in leadership roles.   

The family-friendly work-readiness program will prepare participants for a range of job opportunities on HumeLink East by providing:

  • Nationally-recognised and fully-accredited training for 15 women in the Yass area, equipping them with valuable skills for the construction industry. The training will be delivered in partnership with the Umbrella Collective
  • A structured mentoring program to support the retention of women in construction roles
  • Resume writing and interview skills workshops, preparing participants for future job applications
  • A health and wellbeing program to foster an inclusive workplace environment for all workers.

ACCIONA and GenusPlus Project Director for HumeLink East Carel Nagel said: "This program represents a significant step towards diversifying our workforce and creating opportunities for regional women.

“By providing valuable skills, mentorship, and a supportive environment, we're not just filling roles – we're building career pathways and strengthening our industry.

“We’ve designed this program from the ground up to meet the needs of regional women and make it easier for participants to balance training with family commitments. That includes operating three days a week during school terms and within school hours.”

The EmPOWERing Regional Women program will be launched on 15 October, with HumeLink East delivery partners starting a targeted recruitment campaign in the Yass area, including information sessions for potential participants.

HumeLink is a vital link in the National Electricity Market, which will reinforce and support the critical southern network of NSW and Victoria and provide access to cleaner and cheaper renewable energy to families and businesses.

The project will involve construction of a 365km route in two sections (East and West), including new transmission lines and new or upgraded infrastructure at four substation locations.

HumeLink East involves the expansion of the existing Bannaby 500kV substation, along with the design and construction of a new 500kV double circuit transmission line. This new transmission line will connect the Bannaby 500kV substation at the Wondalga interface point with HumeLink West.

For more information about the EmPOWERing Regional Women program and upcoming information sessions, please visit the HumeLink East page or email

Transgrid media contact: Mark Nolan 0429 047 136