
As this year’s Transmission Planning Annual Report (TAPR) shows, the energy transition is in vertical take-off.

Today coal provides the majority of NSW electricity generation. By 2033 coal will provide less than 20%.

Simply replacing coal as it retires would be a challenge. But the energy transition will take us far beyond that requirement. Our TAPR 2024 forecasts show steadily increased growth in annual demand for electricity across NSW over the next decade. But the overall picture masks considerable volatility in power flows, reflecting increases in peak demand driven by electrification, industrial and data centre load, as well as a steep downward trajectory for minimum demand supplied from the grid.

In response, we must build a far larger and more complex grid than Australia has ever seen. And we must invest in system security, procure an unprecedented volume of network support services from others and provide control rooms with the tools, training and support to maintain a strong heartbeat for the future renewable grid throughout the transition and into the future.

TAPR 2024 shares Transgrid’s plans for doing just that. It explains what forecasts and modelling tell us about the future grid – and the regulatory changes, new technologies and capabilities required to plan for, build and operate an electricity system powered predominantly by renewables.

For enquiries about the Transition Annual Planning Report contact: tapr@transgrid.com.au


Insights from Our Network Leaders Marie and Kasia

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