
EnergyConnect is Australia’s largest energy transmission project. It involves building a new 900km transmission line to connect the energy grids in New South Wales (NSW), Victoria (VIC) and South Australia (SA). This will help improve reliability and security of electricity supply and allow for future connections from renewable energy sources.

This Critical State Significant Infrastructure (CSSI) project is a key element of the Australian Energy Market Operator's Integrated System Plan for a more sustainable energy future.

With planning approvals obtained, construction is underway. The EnergyConnect Project Brochure provides an overview of the project. 

PEC benefit infographic

Latest update

Transmission line construction works (excluding rehabilitation) EnergyConnect West, between Buronga and the SA and VIC borders, is now complete. Along with our construction partner Elecnor Australia we have finished construction of EnergyConnect’s Line 1, stretching 135km from Buronga to the South Australian border which is currently being tested for energisation and Line 4 between Buronga to Red Cliffs. The 24 – kilometre line from Buronga substation in NSW to the Red Cliffs substation at Red Cliffs, Victoria was successfully commissioned at the end of August with a second circuit between these two substations commencing testing and commission in the coming weeks.

Works on EnergyConnnect East between Buronga and Wagga Wagga are progressing well. Tower foundations, assembly and erections are continuing on Line 2 from Buronga to Dinawan, near Coleambally NSW and Line 5 from Dinawan to Wagga Wagga.

Works are also continuing across EnergyConnect’s three substations:

  • Buronga Substation – Substation stage 1A – 220kV energisation completed to existing network. Remainder of Buronga substation construction works continuing with recent completion of large civil works and progression with remainder of mechanical and electrical works.
  • Dinawan Substation – Bundure, near Coleambally NSW. Works on the substation bench are now complete and foundations are continuing for the synchronous condensers. Worker’s camp was occupied on 8 June. The 460- bed facility is housing personnel building the Dinawan substation and transmission lines across EnergyConnect East.
  • Wagga Wagga Substation – Earthworks and drainage works are now complete. Crews are progressing with shallow foundations and gantry steel assembly and erection.

For more information about EnergyConnect construction activities, visit EnergyConnect - Elecnor (secureenergyjv.com.au). You can also reach the project team by calling 1800 49 06 66 or by email at pec.community@elecnor.es

About EnergyConnect

Transgrid is partnering with ElectraNet to deliver EnergyConnect. ElectraNet is building the South Australian component and Transgrid is building in NSW. The NSW component, which is being delivered by our construction partner, Elecnor Australia, is split into two sections:

NSW-Western Section 

  • The NSW Government approved the EnergyConnect NSW–Western Section in September 2021.
  • Work involves building around 135km of new 330kV transmission line infrastructure between the SA border and Buronga and upgrading about 22km of existing 220kV transmission between the Buronga substation and the NSW/Victoria border.
  • Extension of Buronga Substation to accommodate the new 330Kv and 220kv circuits which also involved installation of specialised substation equipment like Phase Shift Transformers and Synchronous Condensers
  • Construction started in 2022 with both lines now constructed and testing and commissioning works underway for energisation.

NSW-Eastern Section

  • In September 2022 the NSW Government approved the NSW-Eastern Sectionfollowing a thorough review of the project’s Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). The Commonwealth Government approved the NSW-Eastern Section in December 2022 following assessment by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water. 
  • The Eastern section involves building around 375km of new 330kV transmission line between Buronga and the new Dinawan substation (Bundure), near Coleambally as well as just over 160km of 500kV transmission line infrastructure from Dinawan to Wagga Wagga. Upgrades are also currently underway at the existing substations at Buronga and Wagga Wagga.
  • Work started in mid-2023. Transmission tower construction is progressing on both Line 2 between Buronga and Dinawan (Bundure) and Line 5 from Dinawan to Wagga Wagga.

Project map

EnergyConnect Map new 230125

For a more detailed view of the EnergyConnect route, please visit our Interactive map.


  • ​Preliminary investigations and project scoping - Completed

    Regulatory approval received in July 2021

  • Community and landowner consultation - Completed

    From 2018

  • ​Project approvals - Completed

    Early 2020-mid 2022

  • Detailed design and site early works - Completed

    Early 2021 - mid 2022

  • Construction - In progress

    ​From 2022 (NSW Western section)

  • ​Project commissioning - Proposed

    From 2024

Supporting communities

We strive to create lasting benefits in the communities in which we work. Some key initiatives in place as part of EnergyConnect include:

Contact us


25 November 2024

Three states linked as first lines go live on nation’s largest transmission project

In a huge step for Australia’s clean energy transition, NSW, Victoria and South Australia have been successfully connected by the nation’s largest transmission project EnergyConnect.


26 August 2024

National transmission project EnergyConnect begins energisation process

Australia’s largest transmission project EnergyConnect has marked a significant milestone with the connection of the first section of the new Buronga substation in south-western NSW to South Australia.


23 August 2024

Transgrid welcomes passage of Net Zero Economy Authority Bill

Transgrid has welcomed the passage of the Net Zero Economy Authority Bill through the Senate as it accelerates delivery of critical infrastructure to enable Australia’s clean energy transition.

Leader in Sustainability

EnergyConnect becomes a leader in sustainability achieving a Leading Infrastructure Sustainability Council Design rating

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