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Emergencies 1800 027 253
Emergencies 1800 027 253
Contact us
About us
Who we are
A dependable partner to millions of Australians, we’re the backbone that energy suppliers rely on.
What we do
We operate and manage the high voltage electricity transmission network in NSW and the ACT.
Our approach
By leading the transition to a clean energy future, we aim to make a better power system for Australians.
Our directors and executive team have a wealth of combined experience across the energy industry.
Our history
Since the 1950's, our network has developed to meet the growing needs of energy consumers.
Our network extends throughout NSW and the ACT, with connections to Queensland and Victoria.
Regulatory framework
In the National Energy Market, our operations are governed by a number of institutions.
We invest in building sustainable working relationships with all our procurement partners.
Our culture
We focus on making services affordable, prioritising safety, and delivering for our customers.
Debt Investors
We provide information for our registered debt investors
Community safety
To ensure the safety and reliability of our transmission network, we routinely inspect our transmission poles, towers and lines to assess their condition.
Working near underground cables
Different requirements apply to work taking place near underground transmission cables. A Before You Dig (BYD) search is essential prior to any excavation work taking place.
Managing bush fire risk
Annual inspections are an important part of our comprehensive maintenance program, and ensure the transmission network is safe for our staff and the community.
Working safe
The safety and welfare of our people, delivery partners, and the broader community is our highest priority.
Our community engagement teams consult with landowners and residents across our network and along proposed project routes.
Social licence program
We are undertaking a program of initiatives to build social licence and deliver better outcomes for impacted communities. We have a range of current key work streams.
Stakeholder engagement
We are dedicated to continuously improving our engagement with key stakeholders to support our decision making and deliver community benefits.
Cultural heritage and reconciliation
Implementing our Reconciliation Action Plan contributes to creating a more equitable future.
Integrating sustainability principles across our operations helps to protect our communities.
Community Partnerships Program
Our Community Partnerships Program benefits areas where our assets are located or under development.
Sponsorships & Partnerships
Promoting diversity and inclusion is a key component of our sponsorship program.
Transgrid Discovery Hub
The Transgrid Discovery Hub allow a consistent and accessible point of connection with community, landowners, and businesses in the Wagga and surrounding areas.
Building a better power system through system security and operability
With the closure of Liddell power station in April 2023 and the planned 2025 closure of the Eraring Power Station, Transgrid is on the frontline of making profound changes to maintain system strength and ensure the safe and secure operation of the power system.
Fostering the clean energy workforce of the future
The shift to a clean energy future isn't just about changing how we generate electricity—it's also about creating job opportunities, upskilling our workforce, and strengthening our regional economy.
What are Renewable Energy Zones (REZs) and why are they important for our sustainable future?
Learn about the pivotal role of Renewable Energy Zones (REZ) in reshaping NSW’s energy landscape, and explore how Transgrid is at the forefront of this effort.
How upskilling Australians could be the gamechanger in accelerating our clean energy transition
We explore the skill challenges in clean energy industries, the government's initiatives to address the shortage, the benefits of investing in clean energy skills, and Transgrid's commitment to creating job opportunities in the renewable energy sector.
Projects &
EnergyConnect is a critical project that will lower power bills for homes and businesses.
A new 500kV transmission line will carry electricity to customers from new generation sources.
Victoria to NSW Interconnector West
VNI West is a core component and priority project in AEMO’s 2022 ISP, which confirms the need for short- and longer-term investment to increase the transfer capacity between the states.
Hunter Transmission Project
A new overhead 500kV transmission line spanning around 100 kilometres between Bayswater in the Upper Hunter and Olney in the Lower Hunter.
Wallgrove Grid Battery
A 50MW/75MWh lithium ion battery will be installed at Transgrid’s Wallgrove substation in Western Sydney.
Mount Piper to Wallerawang Transmission Line Upgrade Project
Strengthening the grid to deliver affordable, reliable and clean energy to customers.
Queensland-NSW Interconnector
The interconnector upgrade will boost interstate power flows and lower energy bills.
Network solutions
Learn about our other projects which secure ongoing supply for energy customers.
Media &
About us
About us
Who we are
What we do
Our approach
Our history
Regulatory framework
Our culture
Debt Investors
Community safety
Working near underground cables
Managing bush fire risk
Working safe
Social licence program
Stakeholder engagement
Cultural heritage and reconciliation
Community Partnerships Program
Sponsorships & Partnerships
Transgrid Discovery Hub
Building a better power system through system security and operability
Fostering the clean energy workforce of the future
What are Renewable Energy Zones (REZs) and why are they important for our sustainable future?
How upskilling Australians could be the gamechanger in accelerating our clean energy transition
Projects &
Projects &
Victoria to NSW Interconnector West
Hunter Transmission Project
Wallgrove Grid Battery
Mount Piper to Wallerawang Transmission Line Upgrade Project
Queensland-NSW Interconnector
Network solutions
Media &
Projects & innovation
Interactive Map
EnergyConnect Interactive Map