Engagement with Indigenous groups and peoples as part of the planning process

HumeLink Secretary's Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) set out the requirements the project must address across a range of areas including Aboriginal and European cultural heritage. 

As part of this work, the project team assessed Aboriginal Culture and Heritage to understand the cultural heritage values present, as well as the views and concerns of the Aboriginal groups and peoples about the project.

In April 2021, the HumeLink project team sought interest from Aboriginal stakeholders who may have an interest in the project and hold knowledge relevant to determining the cultural significance of Aboriginal objects and places within the project area. A public notice containing a brief project overview and inviting expressions of interest from the Aboriginal community was also placed in local newspapers.

In May 2021, the organisations or individuals who expressed an interest formed the Registered Aboriginal Parties (RAPs) for this project. All RAPs received information about the scope of the proposed development and the cultural heritage assessment methodology. RAPs were also invited to provide cultural information concerning Aboriginal objects and places within the project footprint. 

In assessing the impact of the HumeLink project, RAPs have also been actively involved in on-foot cultural heritage field surveys to gather data and identify areas where there are items of heritage, that include but are not limited to, artefact scatters, isolated artefacts, scarred trees, ceremonial sites and burials. These surveys are undertaken in accordance with the NSW OEH Code of Practice for Aboriginal cultural heritage consultation requirements for proponents 2010. The local knowledge of RAPS in these surveys have informed the assessment of potential impacts on heritage and appropriate mitigation measures outlined in the HumeLink Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).

For more information about Aboriginal fieldwork undertaken as part of the HumeLink EIS, please see the Heritage Test excavations fact sheet and the HumeLink EIS Aboriginal Cultural Assessment Report fact sheet.

As HumeLink progresses through its planning process, the project team will continue to engage with Aboriginal organisations, groups and individuals seeking feedback and contributions to the assessment of Aboriginal cultural heritage significance in the project footprint.

Transgrid's cultural heritage and reconciliation commitment

Transgrid is committed to deepening reconciliation and strengthening relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People and communities. In March 2023, we launched our Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) which comprises a wide range of initiatives and programs over the next three years, as well as the steps we will take to achieve them. It builds on the progress made in the 2018 Reflect RAP and the 2020 Innovate RAP.

Learn more about our commitment and approach on our Cultural heritage and reconciliation page.