
The Hunter Transmission Project (HTP) is declared both a priority transmission infrastructure project (PTIP) and a critical State significant infrastructure (CSSI) project. The Energy Corporation of NSW (EnergyCo) is the infrastructure planner for this essential initiative.  

The project involves building a new overhead 500 kilovolt transmission line spanning around 100 kilometres between Bayswater in the Upper Hunter and Olney in the Lower Hunter.   

The HTP will also include building new switching stations in Bayswater and Olney, along with upgrades to the existing Bayswater and Eraring substations. 

Transgrid and EnergyCo have signed a commitment deed, officially confirming Transgrid as the preferred network operator for the HTP which will advance NSW’s clean energy transition. 

EnergyCo will seek ministerial approval to appoint Transgrid as the network operator responsible for delivering, operating and maintaining the project. The commitment deed outlines a defined scope of work for Transgrid to support project planning and preparations for construction. 

As part of the NSW Government’s Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap, Transgrid will continue collaborating with EnergyCo to accelerate the state’s clean energy transition. 

Project update

The HTP is currently in the planning phase, with EnergyCo preparing a detailed environmental impact statement (EIS) in accordance with State significant infrastructure guidelines. EnergyCo anticipates lodging the EIS in mid-2025. It will then go on public exhibition, giving the community an opportunity to provide formal feedback. 

EnergyCo will continue to lead the planning and engagement for the HTP until the network operator is appointed.  

Transgrid remains committed to supporting EnergyCo as they plan for the HTP and work with the community.

Project map

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. How do I get in touch with the project?

If you would like to get in touch with the project, please contact EnergyCo via the contact details below:  

o    Email: htp@energyco.nsw.gov.au  

o    Phone: 1800 645 972 

o    Website: energyco.nsw.gov.au/htp 

2. What is the commitment deed?

The commitment deed is a commercial agreement between Transgrid and EnergyCo confirming Transgrid as the preferred network operator for the Hunter Transmission Project. The agreement sets out Transgrid’s commitment to deliver, operate and maintain the project.

3. What does the commitment deed mean for Transgrid?

  • Signing the commitment deed means that EnergyCo has selected Transgrid as the preferred network operator to deliver the Hunter Transmission Project.

·         The appointment of Transgrid as network operator remains subject to execution of a final delivery contract between EnergyCo and Transgrid, award of design and construct packages and other necessary approvals for the project.

4. When is the network operator scheduled to be appointed?

The network operator appointment is anticipated in 2026.  

Contact us

  • EnergyCo will continue to lead the planning and engagement for the HTP until the network operator is appointed. For more information on this project, please contact EnergyCo via the contact details below:  

o    Email: htp@energyco.nsw.gov.au 

o    Phone: 1800 645 972 

o    Website: energyco.nsw.gov.au/htp 

  • Transgrid contact: 

o    Toll-free number: 1800 222 537 

o    Email:  htpcommunity@transgrid.com.au