Transgrid, as the System Strength Service Provider (SSSP) for NSW, is responsible for ensuring sufficient system strength is available to maintain power system stability in NSW.
In a network without adequate system strength there are inherent stability issues. Generators may be unable to remain connected during disturbances on the power system, control of the system voltage becomes more difficult, and protection systems that ensure safe operation of the network may not operate correctly.
The retirement of NSW’s coal generators and the growth in inverter-based resources in the coming decade is driving an urgent need to add new sources of system strength to the power system.
We have therefore commenced assessment of options to ensure we meet the NER requirements and continue to ensure a safe, secure and reliable power system. We consider that this will enable us to identify the optimal portfolio of solutions to meet both the short-term and long-term needs.
The System Strength Rule Change has established new requirements for connecting parties to meet. A summary of these new requirements can be found on the System strength for network connections page.