
Our substations and power lines are located within communities across NSW and the ACT. We engage closely with our contractors and the relevant authorities to ensure the safe and reliable operation of our assets and to safely manage works that take place near them.

Electrical Network Safety Management Systems

Our Electrical Network Safety Management Systems (ENSMS) address the safety of our community, employees and delivery partners, and the protection of property and network assets. They also address safety aspects related to environmental protection (including protecting assets from fires), and loss of electricity supply.

Further information about our electricity safety management systems for each jurisdiction is provided in the resources section

Key policies

Health & Safety, Environment and Asset Management policies guide a systematic and robust approach to all aspects of safety across our network. They cover the planning, design, construction, commissioning, operation, maintenance and decommissioning of our network assets, and demonstrate our commitment towards electricity network safety.

Bush fire risk management

Our Bush Fire Risk Management Plan outlines our responsibility for managing the potential impact of bush fires on our electricity network assets. The plan outlines hazardous events of concern, and describes how we manage the associated risk.

Learn more about bush fire management.

Public Electrical Safety Awareness

Our Public Electrical Safety Awareness (PESA) Plan outlines how we safely manage our network assets. It meets the requirements of the Electricity Supply (Safety and Network Management) Regulation 2014. The PESA informs the public about electricity hazards, particularly those relating to high voltage transmission lines and substations owned or operated by Transgrid.

Further information is available in our public safety fact sheet


NSW jurisdictional information

ACT jurisdictional information

Victoria jurisdictional information


Fact Sheets