News articles


02 November 2022

Transgrid delivers $45 million Victoria-NSW Interconnector upgrade, releasing flow of renewable energy between states

More renewable energy will now flow between Victoria, NSW and the ACT with the successful delivery of Transgrid’s upgrade of the Victoria-NSW Interconnector (VNI).


01 November 2022

First big electrical kit shipped in for Australia’s largest transmission project

The first big electrical kit for the nation’s largest transmission project has arrived in Australia by ship as construction of the $1.8 billion EnergyConnect interconnector powers ahead.


28 October 2022

Annual safety performance and bushfire preparedness report published

The public is now able to access details of Transgrid’s annual safety performance and bushfire preparedness report on the organisation’s website. The reports provide general information about the performance of Transgrid’s Electricity Network Safety Management System (ENSMS).


27 October 2022

Transgrid shortlists proponents for critical HumeLink transmission

Transgrid has announced the three proponents shortlisted to submit tenders to deliver a critical link in the National Electricity Market - the HumeLink transmission project.


25 October 2022

Transgrid welcomes strategic payments for landowners hosting new transmission

Transgrid has welcomed the NSW Government’s Strategic Benefit Payments scheme for new major transmission projects, which will support the transition to renewable energy and the supply of cheaper, cleaner and more reliable electricity for consumers.


21 October 2022

Transgrid welcomes $45 million Federal funding for Broken Hill Compressed Air Energy Storage

Transgrid has welcomed an announcement by the Commonwealth Government to provide funding towards one of the world’s largest renewable mini-grids, which would provide back-up power supply to Broken Hill in NSW.

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Media contacts

Media enquiries - corporate

Nicole Ryan

General Manager Corporate Communications

Phone Number

Media enquiries - transmission projects

Michelle Stone

Senior Manager Strategic Communications and Media

Phone Number