Displaying 261-270 of 2764 results


There is mounting evidence to indicate beneficial outcomes when fathers take leave: for organisations, fathers, their partners and their families. We hope that with the access to family-inclusive poli...


Transgrid’s recently announced Energy Vision suggests we have a unique opportunity to become a global, clean energy leader, in the process supercharging our economy and creating a brighter future for ...


The renewable energy transition offers a potent opportunity to energise our job market. In this article we highlight the job-creating potential of renewables and the variety of career opportunities th...


In this article, we will explore the skill challenges in clean energy industries, the government's initiatives to address the shortage, the benefits of investing in clean energy skills, and Transgrid'...


Australia's energy transformation will need significant upgrades for renewable energies, more storage, complex network management, and, importantly, the installation of more than 10,000km of new trans...


Learn about the pivotal role of Renewable Energy Zones (REZ) in reshaping NSW’s energy landscape, and explore how Transgrid is at the forefront of this effort.


Sydney has marked a big step in the transition to a clean energy future with the launch of the largest electric bus fleet pilot seen in Australia. Executive Manager Strategy, Innovation and Technology...


Transmission is essential to connect renewable energy generation to the power grid, and into your homes and businesses. Find out why there will be no clean energy transition without transmission, and ...


As the AEMO’s 2022 Integrated System Plan (ISP) states, the investment in new transmission required to transition Australia to a renewable energy-based power system needs to begin ‘as urgently as poss...


As coal retirement accelerates in NSW, we need to move quickly to develop system security services from alternative sources.

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